Indian Pentecostal Church Of God Bombay, India welcomes you to the website specially prepared to provide guidance for your spiritual growth.
Our God is the God of mercy and everlasting love. He sent His beloved Son Jesus Christ to save mankind from their sin. We thank God for those who have already made the commitment to follow Him.
Jesus commanded His followers to go and proclaim this Good news to all nations. In order to fulfill this mandate we are presenting this heavenly message in this form to our viewers and listeners. Our Lord who created the heaven and the earth knew the pain and problems of His people. And He had a good plan for all of us.
Our God is still on the throne. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Turn to Him and acknowledge Him in all your ways. He will never leave you nor will he ever forsake you. Stop fretting and start trusting, stay delighted and stand firm. He will grant you the desires of your heart.
Once again, we thank you for taking your time to visit us.
09:30 AM - Bible Classes
10:00 AM - Worship
04:30 PM - Hindi Worship
07:00 PM - Cottage Meeting
Mizar Hall; 1 Ballena, Chhedda Nagar, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 089
Contact : +91 22 - 2525 2446